Rich and Tim It has been some time since I have introduced the team so I thought I would blog/brag about everyone here at SDG. I would like to start with our leaders, Rich Badders and Tim Gilpin who have been here the longest.  Rich joined the family business right out of college and Tim […]

SDG Architecture – Introductions


At SDG Architecture, we believe that the spaces we create have a significant impact on our lives, whether it’s a cozy family home or a modern, innovative office space. That’s why we take pride in our commitment to creating personalized designs that cater to our clients’ unique needs, forging lasting relationships with our clients in […]

Why SDG?


I have had the opportunity to play a major role in the design of the Dunedin Fine Art Center’s facilities since its beginnings in the mid ‘70’s and through several major expansions and renovations. The center has a history of dedicated studio spaces with customized equipment and engineering for a variety of art media: drawing, […]

Dunedin Fine Art Center ‘Food Arts’ Facility: Non-Traditional Arts Programming Attracting New Students and Revenue



  I was pleased to be the Project Architect in the recent, ten-month expansion and renovation project of the Dunedin History Museum, and to work with the museum’s Executive Director Vinnie Luisi, the City of Dunedin and two highly regarded Dunedin professionals in ensuring the project produced the best possible results. The museum will have […]

A Legacy Project: The Dunedin History Museum Raises the Bar on its Mission of Historic Preservation and Education
