Lunch and learns are a great way to educate our staff on all the new products and application methods available in our industry. We also love getting fed! We try to have one lunch and learn every month. Much of the L&Ls are what we request and seek out based on our designing needs, but some are from sales reps marketing their new products. Most of these trainings are accredited and help our licensed staff stay certified. Lutron was a fun one for our team since it is high end technology features for the home. We recently did an in-house lunch and learn where Gary Badders the founder of SDG taught framing and truss details.
Joe Breeze with Lutron Electronics educated our staff on energy-saving light, shade, and temperature controls for new and existing homes and offices. This is considered Smart Home Technology which is really taking off in our industry. We see this requested more and more in our high-end homes and commercial spaces. Lutron has been around for 70 years and has a great reputation.
Gary Badders the founder and lead designer for 40+ years really enjoyed teaching this class. Gary first got his start in the structural wood framing industry with 20 years of experience. He specialized in truss systems, hardware and engineered lumber. With this past knowledge the team was eager to receive his training. Shorelines Design Group is known in the industry to be a turnkey design firm and are considered a builder’s architect. With in house instruction the staff was able to direct questions highly focused on our structural framing, roof, and floor truss systems. This was not a broad overview, but a highly focused class to improve our details in order to help our builders in the field have less errors and save our clients’ time and money.
Below are just a few we have had over the past 8 months, and we look forward to many more!:
Gary Badders – Framing Issues
Decoplast – Decoplast has various claddings using the alternative to Brick, Wood Grain and Metal Panels
Toto – Total Design and ADA in Restrooms
Versatex – PVC Trim
Lutron and Ketra – Lighting and Lighting Control
Marvin Architecture – Performance, Resiliency, and Sustainability: Pultruded Fiberglass Windows and Doors
Flood Proofing – commercial flood proofing

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